Online reputation management is significantly important, given that majority of the world spend a good amount of time on the internet these days. Word of mouth and recommendations are simply not enough anymore, so companies need to manage their reputation online to have a positive representation of their brand.

While any news is good news might be a common phrase in marketing departments, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is true. The daily news is full of companies whose past mishaps were dug up, and the publicity they received caused them reputational damage which in many cases lead to a loss of revenue. Companies who strive to be ethical in their day to day business activities find that managing their online reputation is much easier and less costly, than having to clean it up when negative news are flooded through the internet.
Doing business ethically doesn't have to be difficult. Here are some examples of what to do, especially for large companies:
- Let the public know: If a company is ethical, they should let people know what they are doing. It can be notifying their customers on their latest CSR efforts, or even small deeds done in good will. No reputation is almost as bad as a negative one.
- Be transparent: Don't let an incident or an employee show the company's dark side.
- Employees respond to loyalty with loyalty, and a business looks better if it backs its people.
- Learn from the mistakes of others: If a competitor makes a mistake, there's no need to learn the lesson the hard way.
There's also a list of things not to do:
- Don't post fake reviews or made-up stories.
- Don't cover up a consumer’s grievance with illogical justifications.
- Don't neglect to publicise good deeds.
A good reputation won't just speak for itself or happen without putting in effort.
A professional online reputation management firm like our Adjustment Services can help a company build, and maintain, a great online reputation through preparation, monitoring, and mitigation. If you need help with your online reputation, don't hesitate to reach out.