Lucile Hostettler

Lucile Hostettler

What are your areas of specialty?

I specialize in banking and corporate finance law, M&A (“Mergers & Acquisitions”), capital markets, and corporate law.

What kind of matters do you enjoy the most?

Matters I enjoy the most are in banking and corporate finance law and M&A.

What is the most impactful work you have done throughout your career?

The most impactful work I’ve done for is standing alongside my clients on a daily basis ensuring they are on top of their legal matters and/or projects.

Tell us about your academic and professional background.

I graduated with a degree in law from the University of Geneva in 2014. In February 2016, I obtained my Master in Economic Law in fields of economic criminal law and corporate law, and wrote a thesis on corporate social responsibility. In July 2016, I got my certificate of advanced studies in legal professions (Ecole d’avocature, Geneva) and passed the Geneva bar in May 2018 after completing my internship at lecocqassociate. After working as an associate at the firm for 2 years, in January 2020 I got appointed to be the Head of Office for the Geneva office, and in 2022 I was appointed as Partner.

How many languages do you speak?

I speak French and English.

What made you want to be a solicitor / lawyer?

My passion for technical legal matters and legal reasoning.

Business aside, what do you enjoy doing when you are not in the office?

When I’m not working, I enjoy travelling and doing different types of sport activities.